Esau Is Edom (Film)


What do the beast, Esau, Jacob, Moses, and Elijah have in common? Esau is Edom will illuminate these ancient connections from the light of the holy scriptures and how it is all coming full circle.

This film is 1 hour and 10 minutes long. Your donation of $7 to the ministry will give you access to log in to stream and view the digital version of this film online. Downloading the film to your device is NOT available.

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What do the beast, Esau, Jacob, Moses, and Elijah have in common? Esau is Edom will illuminate these ancient connections from the light of the holy scriptures and how it is all coming full circle.

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

“And after three days and an half…” this film was finished for a 2023 Ides of March release 407 days after our last film The Prince of the Covenant on day 74 of the year. Enjoy!

“Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.”

Film chapters:

  1. Esau have I hated prelude
  2. Intro
  3. The people of the prince
  4. The children of Edom
  5. NEOM is Edom
  6. The land of Edom
  7. Mount Sinai in Arabia
  8. The split rock of Horeb
  9. The cave of Elijah in Horeb
  10. The two olive trees
  11. 1260 days with POWER
  12. The 8th king of the 7 kings
  13. MDLBEAST in Arabia
  14. Count the number of the beast
  15. The Arabian leopard
  16. The dragon gave him his power
  17. The anointed cherub of God
  18. Salvator Mundi
  19. The white horse Mahdi
  20. Global kingdom of the beast
  21. Who is this that cometh from Edom?
  22. The gospel of the grace of God


10 reviews for Esau Is Edom (Film)

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Windsor (verified owner)

    Very helpful movie!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    It added a lot to my understanding.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    You have put together the prophecy and made it understandable. The movie is riveting, paced, captivating, the music was perfect.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    Jason (verified owner)

    I thought it was even better then the first one (The Prince of the Covenant) especially the scriptures and music, the rock of Horeb part was my favorite.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Jennifer Powell (verified owner)

    Well done! Thanks for your hard work. Now we wait for it to come to pass. Amazing as always! The film is worth more than $7. For as much enlightenment as you’ve given I hope you are well supported, not just through your film, but continually to keep you going. Appreciate you!

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    James (verified owner)

    Very well done and very explanatory. It aligns the scripture gracefully and leaves no room for error.

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    I feel like I am the most blessed female Australian to have you in my life. Marco Ponce “Our Watchman” our true man of God & Jesus Christ. I absolutely loved Esau is Edom. I was absolutely taken a while ago now when you sent me your film “The Prince of the Covenant”. I couldn’t sleep for a week after watching because you presented truth that hit me hard. But a good hard as it made sense & finally gave me peace from that day forward. I think Esau film is my favourite. Thank you brother.

  8. Rated 5 out of 5

    Cam Blanton

    Absolutely fantastic film brother. Precise and on point. This is something everyone needs to see. It’s crucial they watch the new film Esau is Edom.

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Aaron Gill (verified owner)

    It’s truly a masterpiece.

  10. Rated 5 out of 5

    B. Skonberg (verified owner)

    Fantastic Marco.

    Very compelling film. Love your narrator. Loved the gematria revelations. God showing us by the numbers! Indisputable proof. Mind blowing. It just struck me how the Church in America is generally distracted and/or asleep to what is happening right before our eyes and if people just took a few minutes to understand these revelations in gematria they would think quite differently.

    Professional production. Is this all your own? How large is your team? Now that I understand the program, I’ll be looking for your other films as they come up. Was wondering how you could produce and ship a film like this for $7.

    At any rate, getting back to your school soon. Noticed that you’ve added new lessons.

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