USA brokering Saudi Israel DEAL and Covid microchip coming Whether we like it or not!

Scripture to consider before the news:

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

The he that will confirm the covenant with many which includes Israel will be the prince of the covenant and that is looking to be Prince Mohammed bin Salman of the Royal Family of Saud. He is the beast in Revelation and the prince in the book of Daniel. He is the one that starts the final week for Israel which is the last days for the entire globe. That is why all this madness is happening right now in the world, he is close to making that deal with Israel and starting the last days.

Now unto the news: US brokering Tel Aviv’s normalization with Saudi Arabia, Indonesia: Israeli official says.

A high-ranking official at the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs says Israel is working behind the scenes towards normalization of diplomatic relations with Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, more than a year after the regime reached similar US-brokered agreements with a number of Arab states.

The unnamed official said at a media briefing on Monday that the United States is acting as a mediator.

“The goal is to normalize relations with Indonesia and Saudi Arabia,” the Israeli official said.

“These are the two countries we want to reach an agreement with, but it is a slow process that takes a lot of time and effort. We hope for the best,” the official noted.

Last month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the possibility of Indonesia normalizing diplomatic relations with Israel in meetings with officials in Jakarta.

Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah said the issue was raised during a meeting between Blinken and his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi, during the former’s two-day visit to the Southeast Asian country in mid-December.

Faizasyah added that during the meeting, Marsudi “conveyed Indonesia’s consistent position towards Palestine… that Indonesia will continue, with the Palestinian people, to fight for justice and independence.”

Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, has no official diplomatic relations with Israel due to its support for the Palestinian cause.

US media outlet Axios first reported that the administration of US President Joe Biden “is trying to build on the Trump-era Abraham Accords, and in this case, looking beyond the Middle East to the largest of the countries that don’t recognize Israel.”

The outlet added that US and Israeli officials “have been discussing ways to expand the Abraham Accords in recent months, and Indonesia has come up in that context.”

The so-called Abraham Accords refer to normalization agreements reached between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in 2020. Morocco and Sudan later reached similar US-brokered deals with the Israeli regime.

Palestinians, who seek an independent state in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip with East al-Quds as its capital, view the deals as a betrayal of their cause.

Even though Israel and Saudi Arabia do not have formal diplomatic relations, Riyadh has taken a number of steps in recent years toward normalizing relations with the Tel Aviv regime.

Saudi authorities were said to have given a behind-the-scenes green light to the UAE forging ties with Israel last year, and have since allowed Israeli aircraft to use the kingdom’s airspace for direct flights to Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Riyadh says it would not normalize relations with Tel Aviv outside of the framework of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The United States has raised the issue of normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel in recent years. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, wrote in March 2021 that normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel was “in sight”.

According to a report by Axios, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan brought up the idea of Saudi Arabia normalizing ties with Israel during a meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in September 2021.

In other news: Covid microchip developer says there’s no stopping roll-out: ‘Whether we like it or not!’

Scripture to consider:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The he that will cause all will be the final pope which is the second beast of Revelation 13 which is also known as the false prophet. The false prophet will aid the beast into his global kingdom 42 months after confirming the covenant with Israel.

Back to the news:

A Swedish start-up tech company has invented a scannable microchip that is implanted in people’s arms and can display your COVID-19 vaccination status. This digital implant is designed to be embedded into people’s arms so your vaccine passport pops up when scanned.

Created by the tech start-up Dsruptive Subdermals, the controversial invention is made of a pre-programmed scannable implant two millimetres by 16 millimetres in size.

The invention received a lot of attention when first announced with some describing it as “invasive”.

One Twitter user argued: “Look, I’m as pro-vaccine as anyone around…AND I’m pro-vaccine passport (on a voluntary basis only), but this just plays into the narrative of ‘they want to track you’ conspiracy theorists.”

But speaking to, Hannes Sjoblad, managing director of Dsruptive Subdermals, fired back at the critics.

He said: “This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not.

“I am happy that it is brought into the public conversation.

“New technologies must be broadly debated and understood.

“Smart implants are a powerful health technology.

“That is what we are building at DSruptive and our goal is to transform healthcare on a global scale.”

While new in humans, this kind of technology is very common for household pets, where most of them are embedded with a microchip that reveals the animal’s medical history when scanned.

Costing 100 euros for a microchip, the device works by scanning the spot on the arm with a mobile phone.

When scanned, a PDF will appear that shows all the details of the person’s EU Digital Covid Certificate, which indicates their vaccination status and may also show whether the person has recently been tested positive for Covid.

Mr Sjoblad added: “This means it is always accessible for me or for anyone else, really, who wants to read me.

“For example, if I go to the movies or go to a shopping centre, then people will be able to check my status even if I don’t have my phone.”

For the many people that would be sceptical of the device, Sjoblad assured that the implants are not tracking devices, and are only in use when they are scanned.

Mr Sjoblad explained: “If you understand how these implants work, they don’t have a battery. They cannot transmit a signal by themselves. So they are basically passive. They sit there asleep.

“They can never tell your location, they’re only activated when you touch them with your smartphone, so this means they cannot be used for tracking anyone’s location.”

In related news: Italy to Require mandatory Covid vaccination for Those Over 50 to Blunt Record Cases.

Italy made vaccination mandatory for people over 50 and further reduced what the unvaccinated can do in its latest bid to fight the surge in Covid-19 cases.

“We want to slow down the growth of the contagion curve and push Italians who still aren’t vaccinated to do so,” Prime Minister Mario Draghi said during the cabinet meeting, according to a statement. “We are acting in particular on age groups that are most at risk of hospitalization, to reduce pressure on hospitals and save lives.”

A so-called green pass — which is proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test — will now be required to enter banks, public offices and shops. The pass is already required to work, while travel and most leisure activities are only allowed for those who have received a vaccine or have recovered from Covid.

The government also recommended remote work for both private and public employees, and made it more likely that schools will have to move lessons online.

In more related covid clampdown news: UAE bans international travel for non-vaccinated citizens from January 10.

In a stringent move to prevent the spread of COVID, the United Arab Emirates has announced a ban on unvaccinated citizens from travelling abroad from January 10. As per the news reports, fully vaccinated citizens would also require a booster shot to be eligible to travel. However, the said ban will not apply to those with medical or humanitarian exemptions.

With this announcement, the UAE becomes the latest country to impose new curbs amid a rise in infections. As reported earlier, many countries have already put strict restrictions into place for unvaccinated people before they are allowed to travel.

While some countries have made negative COVID test results mandatory before travel, some have also made quarantine mandatory for travellers upon arrival.

Lastly in related news: Macron says he wants to ‘get on the nerves’ of non-vaccinated.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he wanted to “get on the nerves” of the non-vaccinated, in a slangy, cutting remark that prompted howls of condemnation from opposition rivals less than 4 months before the next presidential election.

“The unvaccinated, I really want to get on their nerves. And so, we’re going to continue doing so, until the end. That’s the strategy,” Macron told Le Parisien newspaper in an interview published late on Tuesday.

France last year put in place a health pass that prevents people without a PCR test or proof of vaccination to enter restaurants, cafes and other venues. The government wants to turn it into a vaccine passport that means only the vaccinated can have a health pass.

“I won’t send (the unvaccinated) to prison, I won’t vaccinate by force. So we need to tell them, from Jan. 15, you won’t be able to go to the restaurant anymore, you won’t be able to down one, won’t be able to have a coffee, go to the theater, the cinema…”

In the detailed interview, Macron’s first in the new year, the president also said he had a good mind to run for re-election in April, but did not explicitly announce his intention to run.

“I would like to do it,” Macron said.

As the clear favorite in the polls, Macron has not yet officially said he was running, although his lieutenants are already preparing a campaign.

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