In this Watchman Report, we show you how the buildup is happening before our eyes for what Revelation calls “the kings of the east” that will make their way through the dried up river Euphrates. We also show you news from last year that shows also the river drying up as well. It is all coming together perfectly to fulfill scripture. We also rightly divide the 2 Gog and Magog invasions of Ezekiel 39 and 38, one happens at the second coming and another after the 1,000 year kingdom of the Lord. Enjoy!
Iran visits China (Kings of the east) & Gog and Magog invasions of Ezekiel 39 & 38 lesson
About The Author
I am a bible believing son of God by believing the doctrine of justification found in Romans 3:24-26. I believe in Jesus and have faith in his blood fully persuaded. I believe the King James Bible (Pure Cambridge Edition) is the perfect, pure word of God and is ALL AUTHORITY and I read it according to the commandment found in Romans 16:25-27.