In this clip from the Watchman Report, we renounced Joseph Acquaviva2222 who says Obama is the antichrist and is misleading many on much more. Enjoy and avoid this wolf!
Download video here.
Main rebukes against this wolf listed in this slide:

Another 56er. Satan’s ministers = 56 with gematria

Here is the beast MBS with Obama (another beast decoy, and not even a good decoy at that)…

2023-10-03 update: Here is my reply to the video this wolf made today that he later deleted because he cannot stand to the truth.

Brother Marco,
This broadcast is excellent! I totally agree that MBS positively is the beast of Revelation chapter 13. Everything is unfolding according to Holy Scripture exactly as it is written, and it will continue to do so. Thank you for your boldness and tenacity.
In Christ,