Scripture to consider before the news:
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
The he that will cause all to receive the mark of the beast will be the final pope who is the false prophet that aids the beast into his global kingdom of the beast, which is the new world order.
In this report you will see how “this present evil world” is being prepared for receiving the mark of the beast which will be dispensed in the middle of the upcoming final prophetic 70th spoken of by Daniel the prophet.
Before we go into this report, one thing to note is the gematria of the word mandatory and vaccination which both equate to the number of the beast with the Sumerian cipher because they are aiding into getting us to that mark to buy or sell in “the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
Now unto the news:

Moscow Orders Mandatory Vaccinations for Service Workers as Covid-19 Cases Surge.
Moscow will introduce mandatory vaccinations for service sector workers, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced Wednesday as the capital faces a surge in coronavirus cases.
Businesses operating in the hospitality, education, healthcare and entertainment sectors will be required to ensure 60% of their workforces are vaccinated, according to the decree signed by Moscow’s chief sanitary doctor. Similar requirements have also been announced in the Moscow region, which together with the capital accounts for some 20 million people, or 14% of Russia’s population.
Russian politicians have for months pushed back against the idea of compulsory vaccination amid a sluggish nationwide campaign, which has inoculated only around 13% of the population. As recently as May 27, President Vladimir Putin called mandatory vaccination “impractical and impossible.”
The order comes as Russia continues to struggle with deep-seated skepticism toward coronavirus vaccines — with over one-third of Russians refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19 under any circumstances, according to a recent job portal survey.
The requirement to vaccinate 60% of staff will apply to businesses whose workers regularly come into contact with members of the public, including retail, public catering, public transport, education, healthcare, beauty salons, fitness centers, banks and cultural institutions.
Moscow’s chief sanitary doctor Yelena Andreyeva said the spread of the virus through the capital was being driven by workers, who make up three-quarters of current cases. Pensioners and children, meanwhile, accounted for 14% and 13% of infections, respectively.
Following Moscow’s announcement, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said there are no plans to extend the compulsory vaccination measures nationwide.
In related news:

Covid vaccine to be required for England care home staff.
Covid vaccinations are to become compulsory for staff in care homes for older people in England, the BBC has been told.
Care staff are expected to be given 16 weeks to have the jab – or face being redeployed away from frontline care, or lose their jobs.
The move, first reported in the Guardian, is expected to be announced by the government in the next few days.
Consultations will begin on the same rule for other health and care staff.
Care organisations have warned that compulsory vaccinations could cause significant difficulties in a sector that already struggles to recruit enough people.
The government, however, is believed to have considerable concerns about low take-up of the vaccine in some areas, including London.
Workers who can prove they are medically exempt from getting the vaccine will not be affected by the new measure.
Meanwhile, nearly 42 million people in the UK have received their first dose of a vaccine so far, and just over 30 million have had their second.
In other news:
UK Vaccine passports launch in move to open up capacity crowds at Wimbledon & Euros – and eventually foreign holidays.
BRITS can download vaccine passports from today as part of plans to unlock capacity crowds at major sporting events – and eventually foreign holidays.
A new “NHS Covid Pass” has now been made available on mobile phones and allows people to provide proof they’ve been fully vaccinated.
Those who have yet to receive the jab can also upload evidence of a recent negative test or antibodies from having the virus in the past six months.
The NHS app has been modified to make create the groundbreaking new digital documents, which could be used to enter mass events in future.
It will first be deployed at major pilot events including the Wimbledon tennis championships and Euro 2020 football games.
For now the pass will only be available to those who have tickets to the test events, who will be sent a special code to download it.
But if the trials are successful it could be rolled out to the wider public in the near future.
Under the scheme those who haven’t been double-jabbed will be able to do a lateral flow test at home and log their result on the app.
Stewards at the ground will then carry out random spot checks on some spectators to make sure they’re negative.
It is thought such technology could also be used later this summer to unlock foreign holidays to places including Europe.
Boris Johnson has repeatedly said people won’t need to provide proof of a jab to go to the pub.
But it remains a possibility that venues will be able to insist on their guests presenting a vaccine passport if they wish.
Tony Blair has said double-jabbed Brits should be able to use such passes to access “vaccine only” pubs and restaurants.
The former PM is calling for those who have had both doses to be treated differently from those who haven’t.
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In other news:
China locks down 15 million people for 100 cases of delta variant.
The ruling class in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong is carrying out mass testing and has locked down entire areas of the province to try to control a “flare-up” of coronavirus cases in Guangzhou. The “flare-up” consists of 100 cases of the “Delta variant” and 15 million others are now prisoners of the state.
The satanists are not giving up on their lockdowns.
The city has cited the Delta variant of the coronavirus, first detected in India, as a driver behind the uptick in cases it has reported since the latter part of May. The Delta strain is known to be highly transmissible.
15 million locked down for 100 cases? We’ve always been slaves to the government, but this planet has reached a level of totalitarian control that is almost beyond comprehension.
The mainstream media continues to attempt to normalize lockdowns as something we should just submit to without question. And it isn’t just China. Australia recently locked down again for 26 cases of COVID and the United Kingdom is threatening to NOT lift their over a year-long lockdown because of the “Delta variant.”
Still think this is about health? It is not and it has not been since day one. How anyone can read those numbers apply logic and critical thinking and still come up with lockdowns as the best solution is beyond comprehension. We would be delusional at this point to assume another lockdown cannot happen in the USA.
Things to consider:

‘COVID-19 lockdown’ in the SATANIC cipher using gematria equates to the number of the beast because this indeed preparing us for the GLOBAL SATANIC kingdom of the beast and his mark to buy or sell in the right hand or forehead.
It is getting more obvious to those with spiritual eyes to see from the scripture of truth.
People Claim Of Developing ‘Magnetic Powers’ Post Jab?
After several videos doing the rounds on the internet claiming Covid-19 vaccines make people “magnetic”, four to five persons from various places also claimed that they got magnetic powers after taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
Rajendra Mohapatra, his sister Sanjukta, an Anganwadi worker, and another two persons in Balasore’s Nilagiri block said that metal objects have been easily sticking to their bodies after taking vaccine doses.
When it happened for the first time, the family members thought that it could be due to sweat. However, even after taking a bath, the objects continued to stick to Rajendra’s body which left them surprised.
Meanwhile, another person named–Ratnakar Pradhan, hailing from Odisha’s Kandhamal district has claimed that magnetic powers entered into his body after taking the second dose of the Covid vaccine.
“Metal objects are easily getting stuck on my body after taking the vaccine doses,” said Pradhan.
Following this issue, the Press Information Bureau’s (PIB) fact-checking arm, PIB Fact Check, has said these claims about Covid-19 vaccines are “baseless”.
“Vaccines cannot cause a magnetic reaction in the human body. COVID-19 vaccines are completely safe and do not contain any metal-based ingredients. It is common to experience mild side-effects like mild headaches, pain or swelling at the injection site, and mild fever after getting the COVID-19 vaccine,” it said.
You be the judge.
This is not only happening in India, but the entire world. From America, to Spain, and to Chile and Brazil and the UK.
Videos are coming from everywhere when using the hashtag “Magnet Challenge.”
We also encourage viewers of the Watchman Report to visit to see the latest of the videos being submitted of people attracting magnets and metals to their body.
It is hard to pass off and will make you think something very nefarious and DIABOLICAL is underway right before our eyes.
We here have wondered why Satan has programmed the world with a plethora of zombie movies.
We will soon see why.
Link to video backups of the ‘Magnet Challenge’ here.