Today we uploaded a clip from our Friday Watchman Report here and got our 2nd strike for “medical misinformation” on a part in the video showcasing a SONG that is also publicly available on youtube. Youtube just doesn’t like us telling you that the song details the conspiracy behind the covid vaccine that puts “chips and pins in the needles” with auto assembling nanotechnology.

Note the timestamp in the video we uploaded that was flagged was when the publicly available song was playing.

If we get one more strike they will delete our channel. And BOTH of our channels are at 2 strikes currently.
Channel 1:
Channel 2 (first Watchman Report channel already deleted for 3 medical misinformation strikes)

We appealed and was quickly turned down.

Also note how the YouTube jesuit nazis like to troll with their number 201 like “the jesuit order” with gematria on our last video.

With all that said and shown, we have made the permanent decision to stop uploading and streaming to both youtube channels all together effective today, the day before RESURRECTION day on 2024-03-30.
If you are reading this and follow us on youtube, we call you to move over to the following platforms we stream our weekly reports to, rumble being RECOMMENDED.
I hope if you have been following for any period of time, you can see that REAL TRUTH is suppressed because this is Satan’s tech.

Nevertheless, we will remain stedfast until that covenant is confirmed by the beast MBS with Israel and the end of the world begins and our ministry here will go dark.
1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV – Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.